Menu 30 – Using Cake to Comfort A Heart Break

  Kazoumi was shocked over what he heard as Ringo looked stunned as everything that happened began to sink in. She admitted that she wanted to see Mahito, too and that she liked him. Kazoumi quickly left the scene as Mahito told her that whatever happens in the future, he will protect her.


Later on, it is raining hard and all that Kazuomi could think of was Ringo and that Mahito beat him in confess his feeling for Ringo first.


Ringo went home and thought that it was like a dream and yet, it is real. Her mother called her and told her about the exciting news that she will be in a two-hour television drama special for Christmas and her co-star will be Mahito. Her parents told her that Ringo her dream came true of wanting to be an idol. Kaede said that she was the scriptwriter and that she had recommended Ringo to be on the cast since she did quite well in the Snow White School play before. Kaede asked her where Kazuomi was. Ringo said that she thought he went home already since she looked for him everywhere and she cannot find him. Kaede went back to her house and told Ringo that she still have some scripts to do. After she left, Ringo wonders about what Kazuomi would tell her. She wanted to tell him about Mahito and that she will have a tv drama with Mahito. This is not a dream, she told herself.

Kazuomi is walking in the rain as he saw a poster of Mahito’s new single and heard the song. Kazuomi told himself that this was the song, which Mahito wrote for Ringo and since Ringo had always liked Mahito, what happened was good for Ringo. He thought that Ringo doesn’t need him anymore. Watanabe drives by and saw him.

Meanwhile, in the producer’s office, the agent was asking why did he allow Mahito and Ringo to be in a television drama. The producer asked how was the rating of Sweet Cooking. The agent said that it isn’t very good. The producer said that ever since Mahito left Happy Cooking Hour, he wasn’t able to get good ratings so they thought that a tv drama could boost Mahito’s popularity. It was deliberately done for the ratings.

At Watanabe’s house, Kazuomi was wearing Watanabe’s pajamas and was given a hot drink to warm himself up by Watanabe. Kazuomi looked downcast so Watanabe asked him what happened and it is okay if he doesn’t want to talk about it but if he did, it would make Kazuomi feel better.  Kazuomi told him that he liked Ringo but she already answered Mahito. Kazuomi blamed himself for being slow and wasn’t able to tell Ringo. Watanabe comforted him by saying that confessing one’s feelings is really hard to do. Kazuomi then collapsed.

He woke up after dreaming of Ringo when she was still a kid. Watanabe had called Kaede and told her that Kazuomi will stay for the night since he had high fever. Kazuomi asked where are his family? Watanabe told him that he lives alone. Kazuomi commented that he was nice. Watanabe laughs and told him that it is one of his best characteristics. He told Kazuomi that being an adult, things are much harder and love is much harder to confess. Kazuomi thought that Watanabe must have a lover. Watanabe gave him some congee and told Kazuomi that he has to leave for work. Kazuomi apologized for being bothersome. Watanabe told him that he shouldn’t put things into heart because he is the show’s co-host. Kazuomi told him that he doesn’t have the heart to be with Ringo in the show.

At the studio, Ringo asked how Kazuomi was since he hasn’t been home for three days already. Watanabe said that Kazuomi needed to rest for 2 to 3 more days to get well of his cold. He asked if Ringo can do the show alone. Ringo said that she would and asked if she can visit Kazuomi. Watanabe quickly thought of an alibi that she couldn’t since she might get sick, too. Ringo is still worried about Kazuomi and suddenly thought of what to cook for the show.

Kazuomi was lying on bed and was debating over himself whether to watch the show or not. In the end, he cannot resist not watching Ringo. ^^; Ringo told the audience that she would be doing the show alone since Kazuomi is sick with a cold. She told Kazuomi to take care of himself, which made Kazuomi smile until she started sermoning him for not taking care of himself, that he got sick so the topic today is health. She then mentioned about the vegetables which have vitamin C and that a radish cake would help make those who hate eating vegetables. Ringo said that when she was small, Kazuomi baked her a berry cake, which she thought to be bugs so she shouted that she doesn’t want to eat bugs cake. Kazuomi is glad that Ringo remembered it.


That night, Watanabe returned and asked Kazuomi how he feels. Kazuomi said that he felt a bit better. Watanabe asked if he watched the show and Kazuomi said he did. Watanabe gave him a piece of the radish cake that Ringo made and that show was dedicated to him. Kazuomi ate a bit and thought of Ringo. Kaede entered the room and gave her son some clothes and things for him to use while staying at Watanabe’s place. She then told Kazuomi that he was invited to be in a drama, which puzzles Kazuomi.


Kaede told him that it would be with Ringo and Mahito wherein he will pay as Mahito’s friend. Kazuomi immediately protest that he won’t do it and it is Kaede’s turn to be puzzled by her son’s reaction. She tried to convince him by saying that he did well during the school play before and asked if he is worried since Mahito and Ringo would be in it. Kazuomi told her about Ringo accepting Mahito as her boyfriend. Kaede looked at Watanabe and now, she knew what was troubling Kazuomi.

Kaede told him that he is stupid for trying to run away and avoiding Ringo because work and personal life doesn’t mix. She reprimanded Kazuomi but was stopped when he threw a pillow on her face. Kazuomi went back inside the blanket and shouted that no matter what she says, he will quit the show.


To be continued…

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