Menu 33 – Separation Sandwich

In a press conference, Mahito thanked his fans for their support in all his works and now, he decided to live in the United States with his parents and pursue his career there. His fans are dismayed over the news. Meanwhile, Ayanna was not taking the news well because it would mean that she would no longer have a show as her father tried to comfort her. At Ringo’s house, Ringo and her mother, Ami heard of the news. Ami was quite sad that Kazuomi is also leaving since she would have to cook their meals on her own. Ringo thought that everyone was worried about this new development but she is more worried about what is happening near her.

She went to Kazuomi’s house and knocked. Kazuomi opened the door and wondered why she knocked since she usually just comes in. Ringo asked if he had finished packing up and Kazuomi told her that he didn’t since just looking at the place, it is still a mess. Kazuomi commented that it is mostly his mother’s books and stuff. Kaede had gone to a bar to do her work since the place is all messy. Ringo asked if she can help and Kazuomi quickly accepted her offer. He said that it was the first time that they would be moving. Ringo reminisced that they have been together in the apartment ever since they were young. She found a very old children book and was showing it to Kazuomi. Kazuomi said that there are still many things to be done. They suddenly noticed that their faces are too close to each other.  They quickly moved away.


The two blushed as Ringo wondered why her heart was beating too fast. Kazuomi just told her that they should do this quickly. Ringo changed the topic and told him that they should help prepare for Kaede and Watanabe’s wedding. She then told Kazuomi that they do the wedding cake since Kazuomi said before that he would want to make his own wedding cake. He should take this opportunity to practice. Kazuomi nervously asked if she plan to use it for the show. Ringo smiled and said that it is two birds with one stone.

Kazuomi asked if Sweet Cooking would stop showing. Ringo said it would since Mahito is leaving. Kazuomi asked if she is okay with it. She said that it would be terrible lonely and Mahito told her to go with him. She asked Kazuomi what to do. Kazuomi told her that she shouldn’t worry since Mahito is a good man. He added that it would be Ringo’s decision so she should decide it for herself. Ringo shouted that she didn’t know then she immediately left. Kazuomi was surprised by her reaction and talked to himself that he cannot say that she should not to go with Mahito. Ringo is confused for compared to Mahito, she wanted to stay with Kazuomi.

The day when Kazuomi moves out has come. He was telling the moving men what to pick up and Ringo peeked into the room. Ringo has brought a thank you gift for him. It was a box of sandwiches and that they can eat it there. Kazuomi giggled which made Ringo angry as she asked if it was terrible.


Kazuomi told her that it was not about that. He had remembered that three years ago, Ringo doesn’t know how to cook and now, she can cook on her own. He never thought that they would be even be in a show together. Ringo said that now that Kazuomi is leaving, they would only meet during shooting and at school. Ringo felt that things would never be the same again.

The moving man told him that everything is already in their truck so Kazuomi told Ringo that he is now leaving and thank her for the delicious sandwiches. He added that she could go to his new house. Ringo said that she would. Before leaving, Kazuomi told her if she remembered that he has something important to tell her after the basketball game. Ringo said that she still remembers but Kazuomi told her that he forgot about it. Kazuomi said that he remembered what it was and that he decided that this is the time to tell her. He told her that he had always liked her. Ringo was surprised as Kazuomi left.


Ringo was still stunned as what Kazuomi told her sinks in. She quickly ran outside to catch him but the elevator had already gone down. She ran to the hallway as she reflected that she never thought that Kazuomi liked her and that he was always there for her no matter what – good and bad times. She was too late for she only saw the truck leaving as she called out Kazuomi’s name. Ringo cried for she never realized it and it was only when he left that she realized how important Kazuomi was to her.

Someone called out her name and asked why she was crying. It was Mahito who went to visit her since he is in the area. Mahito said that he wanted to know Ringo’s answer. Ringo thought that she had liked Mahito ever since then. He was a good man and they even had a show together but why can’t she take that step forward.


To be continued…

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