Menu 34 – Homemade Wedding Cake

Ringo and Kazuomi just finished their show then Watanabe called them to the side. He broke the bad news that their show will end. There will be a different show for the next spring’s season and it has already been decided. Ringo was devasted about it so Watanabe comforted her by telling her that even after everything, she had worked hard for the last three years. Watanabe thanked her and that she had done her best until the end. Ringo smiled a bit as Watanabe also thanked Kazuomi.


On their way home, Ringo was still thinking that their show will end soon as Kazuomi said that he would not see Ringo as often as before anymore. Ringo was a bit sad about it as Kazuomi told her that they should go. Ringo then grabbed Kazuomi’s coat to tell him that they should practice doing Kaede’s wedding cake as Ringo was thinking that she wanted to be with him. Kazuomi agreed with her idea and that his mother would be very happy when she learns of it. While they were taking about it, Ringo thought that about Kazuomi’s confession to her, Kazuomi moving out, the soon-to-end of ‘Happy Cooking Hour’ and soon, they would meet only in school so they are becoming more apart from each other. She berated herself for being stupid for not knowing that Kazuomi liked her.

At school, Ringo saw Michiyo meeting with Shinido so when Michiyo went back to her seat, Ringo asked how they are doing. Michiyo blushed as she try to tell her that they are slowly getting together. Ringo was happy for Michiyo and it was disturbed when Michiyo asked how was she and Mahito. Michiyo noticed the change of Ringo’s mood that she apologized as she said that she was just worried for Ringo since Mahito is going back to the United States. Ayanna interrupted them by saying that it is obvious that Ringo will go with Mahito to the United States since that is what lovers do and they will be together forever. Ayanna gleefully shouts that if Ringo is gone, she can have Kazuomi. Kazuomi shivered. Ayanna then whispers to Ringo that she knew that Mahito had asked her to go with him to the United States. Ayanna said that she wanted to go to United States, too. Ringo hated herself for thinking that compared to United States and compared to Mahito, she still thinks of Kazuomi.

In  Ringo’s apartment, Kazuomi and Ringo are cooking cupcakes and it is already at the eighth batch. Ringo shouted that she wanted to make 100 cupcakes. Kazuomi asked if she really wanted to do that kind of cake. Ringo said that she does for it will be like Croquembrouche [small cakes made of choux pastry are piled into a tower] and with some flowers, it would look really nice. Kazuomi says that it will be but it would need hard work. Kazuomi comments that it was still a good idea. Ringo blushed as Kazuomi asked her to help him. Ringo reflected on the moment that they are sharing as they make the wedding cake. Kazuomi asked if she wanted to taste it. She tells herself that this will be her most treasured moment.


On the wedding day, everyone was quite happy. Ringo’s parents remembered when they were married as Ringo thought that Kaede was very pretty. Kazuomi was happy for his mother.  

Ringo was asking if Kazuomi was crying. Kazuomi quickly said he wasn’t and told her that she seemed to be a bit tearful. Ringo said that girls do not care if they cried in public. Kazuomi quickly changed the topic by saying that they should get their wedding present already. Mahito came to the wedding and immediately greeted the newly wed couple. After Mahito greeted her with a nod, Ringo was thinking that about her decision of whether to go or not to go with Mahito as Kazuomi urged her to get the cake already.


The newly wed couple thanked them for the very beautiful cake as Ringo’s mother told Mahito that Ringo and Kazuomi made it. Mahito noticed how happy Ringo was with Kazuomi. After the wedding celebration, Mahito confronted Ringo about her decision. Ringo confessed that she hasn’t decided yet. Mahito told her of an opportunity to study acting in the United States and she can become a popular idol there. She can start with a small show and she can also teach. Later on, they can act together in a show. Ringo was happy to hear all those things yet she is still unsure so Mahito told her to think it over really hard and he will wait for her answer.

When he left, Kaede gave her bouquet to Ringo as thanks for the wedding cake. Kaede mentioned that it would help uplift her spirits since she seemed to be troubled. Kaede apologized that she had overheard what she and Mahito was talking about. Kaede told her that if she was Ringo, she would go to the United States to fulfill her dream to become an idol but that would not be the ‘true’ Ringo because a decision regarding oneself should be decided by other people. Kaede advised her to choose for herself what she will do. They [Kaede + Watanabe] left Ringo thinking as to what to do and that she must not regret whatever decision she will make. Walking by, Kaede told Kazuomi that she had already told Ringo what Kazuomi asked her to tell Ringo. Kaede asked if it is really okay since Ringo might decide to go to the United States. Kazuomi smiled as he said that he doesn’t want Ringo crying.

Ringo was thinking that she really wanted to be an idol and this can be achieved in the United States but whom does she wanted to be with Mahito or Kazuomi. She knows that she is the only one who could make her dream come true and she is the one who should decide her future. She went to Mahito’s house and knocks. Mahito opened it and Ringo told him that she had already decided.


To be Continued...

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